Congregation Ner Hamizrach was founded in 1991 to serve the spiritual needs of the growing Sephardic Jewish population in Atlanta, GA. The synagogue is home to a warm and welcoming kehilla, steeped in the Sephardic tradition of nusach Edot Hamizrach.
Tefilla (prayer), Limud Torah (study of the Law), and Gemilut Chasadim (acts of kindness) are the backbone of Ner Hamizrach. Daily minyanim, shiurim (classes) for both men and women, and servicing the Atlanta Jewish community at large is the duty of Ner Hamizrach. Its affiliation with the Agudath Israel of America organization encourages Congregation Ner Hamizrach to welcome not only Sephardim but Ashkenazim, Chassidim and any Jewish person wanting to make a stronger connection with Hashem. We stress the achdut (unity) that is needed to bring about the coming of Mashiach.
Ner Hamizrach is a strong leader in the Atlanta Orthodox Jewish Community. Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael, Temima Girls High School, and Camp Pirchei all got their start in Ner Hamizrach. The congregation encourages and helps children learn to pray and read the Torah according to the Sephardic tradition. In addition, Ner Hamizrach provides services such as a Chevra Kaddisha (burial society), a private cemetery and the availability to purchase Tefillin and Mezzuzot.

Mikveh L’Kelim
Built in 2006, Congregation Ner Hamizrach proudly offers the Atlanta Jewish community easy access to our city’s only mikvah l’kelim. There is 24-hour, drive-up access (excludingShabbat and Chagim). Donations are always welcomed in order to maintain the upkeep of the mikvah.

Kupat Genizah
Congregation Ner Hamizrach also offers a drop box for shaimot(writings with Hashem’s name) and any holy object that is in need of proper and respectful disposal. Convenient to the Jewish community with 24-hour, drive-up access (excludingShabbat and Chagim)

Congregation Ner Hamizrach is blessed with a very active kehilla. One of the pillars of the synagogue is the Ner Hamizrach Sisterhood. The women of Ner Hamizrach are constantly developing new and exciting programming to enhance the Shabbatot, Rosh Chodeshim, and Chagim.

One of greatest assets to Congregation Ner Hamizrach is our extensive library of English Judaica and Sefarim. It is accessible to the whole Jewish community day and night. Ner Hamizrach’s library is the largest source for both Hebrew and English sefarim in Atlanta!

Congregation Ner Hamizrach hosts major events for the Atlanta Orthodox Jewish community: Shabbat Chizuk, the annual Siyum HaTorah during Shavuot, our annual Teshuva Drasha, which brings together several of the local Orthodox Rabbanim for an inspiring evening of mussar (self-growth), and the annual community-wide simchat beit hashoeva held during Chol Hamoed Succot.

The entire community joins together each year to complete the study of the entire Torah, including all of Tanach, Mishna and Gemorah. A festive celebration is enjoyed at the completion of a year’s study and we are privileged to hear a shiur from a visiting Rosh Yeshiva.
Each year Congregation Ner Hamizrach is honored to welcome world renowned rabbis who speak to our community during Aseret Yamei Teshuva. Their inspirational thoughts exhort us to do teshuva and prepare for the holy day of Yom Kippur.
Agudath Israel of America & Congregation Ner Hamizrach join together each year to present Shabbat Chizuk. Participants are treated to a gala Friday night Shabbat meal and Oneg. During the day the visiting rabbis speak, followed by a festive Melava Malka.